Names are shown as Saint (Given) Last where saint and given first name differ.
Rector: Father Stephen Soot
Deacon John (Ed) Gallagher
Minor clergy:
Subdeacon Timothy Kreta; Subdeacon Vasilios (Bill) Demestihas; Subdeacon John (Walt) Kennick; Subdeacon Andrew (Nicholas) Soot; Reader Phillip (Eric) Harris; Reader Justin (Brent) Kaseman
Parish Council Members:
V. Rev. Stephen Soot, President; Anthony (Dirk) Ohling, M.D., Vice President; Elizabeth (Linda) Martin, Treasurer; Xenia (Kimberly) Harris, Secretary; Stephen (Courtney) Harris; Subdeacon Andrew (Nicholas) Soot; Anthony (Dirk) Ohling, M.D.; Nicholas (Tyler) Jones; Gregory (Greg) Riutzel; and Athanasius (Tom) Lathos.
Choir Director:
Presbytera Larissa (Mona) Soot